
Ключевые возможности и технические характеристикиFeatures
  • Fast one-button, standard-based measurements with pass/fail tests
  • 802.16 OFDMA measurement per IEEE 802.16 2005 standard
  • RCE (EVM), RSSI, preamble PCINR, subcarrier flatness, IQ metrics
  • Time-gated power measurements: SEM, ACP, and channel power
  • Center frequency tolerance, symbol clock frequency tolerance, power rise/fall
  • Delivers relative constellation error (RCE) in multiple levels (composite, pilot, data burst, un-modulated, and preamble)
Other Features
  • License key upgradeable
  • Transportable license
  • SCPI remote user interface
ОписаниеThe U9075A Mobile WiMAX™ measurement application is for the EXT wireless communications test set. It provides fast, standard-based, one-button measurements and modulation analysis capability to speed calibration and verification of your devices and modules for next-generation manufacturing test. The EXT's flexible test sequencer allows calibration and verification to be performed by high speed single acquisition and use multiple measurement techniques for faster analysis and breakthrough testing speed.''